
Adaptive approaches for time waveform replication

By 23 Gennaio 2019 No Comments
Years 2018

Author Nicola Stabile
Advisor Emiliano Mucchi

Bachelor/Master Master

Company Siemens

One of the best ways to decrease cost and duration for road durability testing in the automotive industry is to replicate the road excitation with multi-input vibration control (repeatable) test performed with vibration exciters. Time Waveform Replication (or TWR) is the state-of-the-art technology to run these tests: with this procedure, it is possible to iteratively control the voltages (the so-called drives) sent to the vibration exciters in order to obtain the set of required waveforms for specific control channels. In case of replication of long time histories, the TWR control process can therefore be extremely time consuming. The challenge tackled by this thesis is trying to find a solution to optimize the duration of TWR testing.